This picture was taken the day the foundation was poured. It was so exciting so see our house beginning to take shape.
Footprints in the concrete
This is the right side of the house, with the garage.
Another shot from the garage side.
The pipes for our plumbing
After the foundation was poured and dried, they removed the wooden frame around the concrete so the framing could begin.
These bright orange lines mark where the walls will go.
Lumber for the framing
And it finally begins! Brad is posing with the house. They did all of this before lunchtime!
I try to wear my tennis shoes to the build site so I won't get a nail in my foot. They are everywhere!
Entrance to the garage
View from Brad's closet
I am trying to maneuver my way through all the lumber and nails.
Framing of the roof begins
The roof in our great room
Peek-a-boo! I am standing by the window of our bedroom. I was sick this day, so I wasn't feeling so good.
I am admiring the work. I think they did all this in just 2 days.
Back view of the house
Our builder fixed the ceiling in our great room so it would be 12' without a vault, just like we wanted it.
They've begun putting the boards on top of the roof.
Another back view of the house
Our front door was delivered and installed!
The windows have been installed. This one is in the master bath.
Side view of the house
View of the back porch
The outside trim has been installed around the windows and roof line, as well as the siding. We are still deciding on what color these should be.
This is what the house looks like now. The siding and trim have been installed, as well as the little vent on the top gable. The areas with the shiny red writing will be bricked. We chose our brick color last week. Actually, the brick color we chose was also chosen by our next door neighbors, who are about 2 weeks ahead of us, so we had to choose new brick. We thought this would be impossible, since we had trouble agreeing on the old brick, but we were able to find a brick we like even better!
Back view of the house and porch
Our back porch. The big hole will eventually be a bricked fireplace, with a door to the left.
Wow, what a beautiful, clear blue sky! Our house is coming along. Soon they will be putting on the roof.
Finally, here is a photo of our dining room window.
We picked out our light fixtures and fans this weekend, which was so much fun! Also, I went this afternoon and picked out interior and exterior colors and flooring. Brad is going to check them out next week with the designer to give his seal of approval. Or pick out new stuff, if he doesn't like them. ; )