09 April 2006

Wedding Video

Not too much has been happening lately in the Freeny household. Bailey had her 1st birthday on March 25, and I'm still promising to take her to PetSmart to celebrate. We bought some flowers for our porch this weekend, so here's hoping we can keep them alive. We've put out some birdseed again (and we don't care what Ms. Polly thinks), and we are enjoying watching the birds (and squirrels) eat it. Today, a squirrel actually climbed onto the feeder to eat, but it wouldn't hold still under his weight, and he nearly fell off, spilling all the birdseed out in the process! It was really funny to watch him try and figure out how he was going to get from the feeder back onto the porch. Once he made it, he proceeded to eat the sunflower seeds from the porch, which may have been his intention all along.

I (Britney) haven't heard anything yet on the job interview, but I'm sending my resume out to everyone I think I might want to work for. No more interviews yet, but there's still time. Graduation is May 19, and I'm counting down the days! Only 3 more classes left! On a different note, Brad and I got our wedding video back from our videographer this week, and it is wonderful. We are so pleased and cannot imagine not having done it. The day was such a blur for us, so this video allowed us to really see what it looked like and what was said. We didn't remember anything that happened during the ceremony, and we didn't even realize that we forgot to blow out the unity candles until someone told us later. Stan, our videographer did such a great job with the video. He made a "movie" out of it, set to beautiful music. He was even able to use the theme from "Somewhere in Time" for the ceremony. And Stan put the raw footage from the reception on a c.d., so we were able to see how beautiful the courtyard looked. I was so happy to see people dancing--including Brad's dad trying to salsa dance! I could go on and on about the movie, but I won't bore you. If anyone wants to watch it, just let us know. Brad's only rule is that you have to watch it at our apartment. That seems to be the only way we can get people to visit. (Justin and Lyvie are the exception, since they live in Memphis.) We are so excited about it and want to share it with everyone!

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